You Can Rely On

Skilled Defense Against Theft Charges

Theft crimes vary widely in scope and consequences, from misdemeanor shoplifting to grand theft auto. But any theft charge can have a serious impact on your life. A conviction can cause anyone running a background check to think twice about trusting you. At Combs Law Firm PLLC, we are dedicated to fighting for the future our clients deserve.

Shoplifting Charges Should Be Taken Seriously

A shoplifting charge may seem like something that will not impact your future. But, theft crimes are often considered crimes of “moral turpitude”, meaning they affect your credibility. A theft charge on your record can make prospective employers feel they cannot trust you. Plus, if the property taken is worth more than $1,000, you could be charged with a felony punishable by up to 8 months in prison.

North Carolina has two broad categories of shoplifting charges, Concealment of Merchandise and Larceny of Goods. Concealment of goods covers not only hiding items and not paying for them, but also switching price tags in order to pay a lower price. Getting caught in the store with an item will likely be charged as concealment. Larceny of goods usually applies to more high-value items and aggravating circumstances, such as a situation involving a firearm.

Decades Of Experience In A Variety Of Theft Charges

In addition to our shoplifting defense services, we can help you protect your rights against a variety of other theft charges, including:

  • Receiving stolen goods
  • Larceny of property
  • Possessing stolen goods
  • Removing shopping carts from store premises
  • Larceny of gasoline

Theft crimes generally involve taking someone else’s property with the intent of permanently depriving them of it. Someone does not necessarily have to use threats or force in order to commit larceny or another theft offense. These charges can carry serious consequences; if you are facing a theft charge, contact an attorney as soon as possible.

Call Today To Protect Your Rights

Enlist the help of a lawyer with decades of experience by calling Combs Law Firm PLLC, in Winston-Salem at 336-276-0561. You can also request a free consultation online. We are proud to offer our guidance in English.