You Can Rely On

Protect Your Future Against Prescription Drug Charges

Prescription drug issues can take hold of anyone, regardless of their career or economic status. These powerful substances are highly addictive, which can lead a good person down a bad road. Our clients facing prescription drug charges often have families and careers they’re afraid of losing, or worse, have already lost.

We want you to know that we are here to help. With a combined 50 years of experience, we have the skills and knowledge to help you fight for the brighter future you deserve. If you are charged with illegal use or possession of prescription drugs, the attorneys of Combs Law Firm PLLC, can protect your rights.

North Carolina Treatment Programs Can Reduce Your Sentence

North Carolina offers several unique programs to help mitigate the consequences of a drug charge. These programs primarily focus on treatment for non-violent offenders. Successful completion of a treatment program can lead to a reduced sentence, or even having your case dismissed. At Combs Law Firm PLLC, we are committed to your success. With our decades of experience, we can help you advocate for an opportunity to participate in one of these programs. To learn more about your options, contact our firm to schedule a consultation.

Types Of Prescription Drug Offenses

Prescription drug charges in North Carolina extend beyond simple possession. We can also help you defend against charges of:

  • Distribution
  • Prescription fraud
  • Doctor-shopping
  • Trafficking
  • Driving while intoxicated by prescription drugs

Due to increasing concern nationwide about opioid addiction, prosecutors take prescription drug charges very seriously. We can help you face these charges with dignity and get your life back on track.

Learn More With A Free Consultation

Don’t wait to start building your defense. We offer free initial consultations and provide our services in English. Call 336-276-0561 to reach us in Winston-Salem, or send us an email today.