It is important to know the penalties for DUI charges and also how to defend against drunk driving charges. Drunk driving charges can carry stiff penalties and change the accused driver’s life forever so understanding what a DUI charge means when facing one is essential.
Penalties for drunk driving charges
There are several levels of drunk driving charges that accused drivers can face including
- Level V – A Level V drunk driving offense is punishable by jail time ranging from 24 hours to 60 days in jail and a fine up to $200.
- Level IV – A Level IV drunk driving offense is punishable by jail time ranging from 48 hours to 120 days and a fine up to $500.
- Level III – A Level III drunk driving offense is punishable by jail time ranging from 72 hours to 6 months and a fine up to $1,000.
- Level II – A Level II drunk driving offense is punishable by a minimum jail sentence of 7 days and a maximum prison sentence of one year and a fine up to $2,000.
- Level I – A Level I drunk driving offense is punishable by a minimum jail sentence of 30 days to a maximum prison sentence of two years and a fine up to $4,000.
Level I and Level II drunk driving charges are intended for repeat offenders. In some situations not involving Level I or Level II charges, the judge may have discretion to suspend some of the sentence under certain circumstances and if certain conditions are met. Accused drivers may also face license suspension, community service, treatment and other requirements.
Drunk driving charges, and the penalties associated with them, can have long-lasting impacts on the accused driver’s life. For that reason, accused drivers should be prepared to defend themselves against DUI charges.