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Are self-driving cars too good to be true?

On Behalf of | Jan 26, 2018 | Blog, Firm News |

The inventors of self-driving cars are optimistic that autonomous cars will be in every city worldwide by the end of the decade. Car companies boast that they will revolutionize travel as we know it and that cars in autopilot mode will help prevent car accidents.

But are self-driving cars really all they’re cracked up to be?

Autonomous cars are not accident-proof

In separate incidents in California earlier this week, two vehicles in autopilot modes crashed resulting in serious injuries. A Tesla Model S has been hailed as one of the safest cars on the road, but the highly regarded autopilot feature didn’t stop the Tesla from plowing into the back of a fire truck at 65 mph. This is just one of several incidents that prove self-driving technologies are not, in fact, accident-proof.

So when accidents do happen, who is to blame – – the car or the driver?

Autonomous car accidents may complicate insurance claims

Vehicles in autopilot mode may make it harder to prove who is at fault in an accident. In the past, car companies have been quick to settle lawsuits when the vehicle’s technology played a role in the collision. But, like most other car accidents, it isn’t always clear who or what is to blame. Some companies believe that autonomous vehicles with cameras and data systems could resolve discrepancies in determining who is at fault.

Whether self-driving cars will live up to the hype remains to be seen. With testing still in the works, it could be some time before you can expect to see autonomous cars hitting North Carolina roads.