It is important to know the penalties for DUI charges and also how to defend against drunk driving charges. Drunk driving charges can carry stiff penalties and change the accused driver’s life forever so understanding what a DUI charge means when facing one is...
Can you get a DWI on a golf cart in North Carolina?
Many North Carolina residents navigate around their communities on golf carts and similar small vehicles. After a few drinks, this practice can result in charges of driving while intoxicated. Review the factors that may contribute to conviction for DWI involving a...
Should you take a field sobriety test?
The short answer to the title question is NO. You should never take a field sobriety test, even though officers likely will ask you to do so if they stop you for suspected DWI. Nothing in North Carolina law requires you to take this test. As the American Automobile...
How much does a North Carolina DWI affect auto insurance rates?
A conviction for driving while intoxicated in North Carolina is going to cost you a hefty sum, even if there were no aggravating factors surrounding your offense. Even a first-time DWI leads to significant penalties including mandatory time behind bars and hundreds of...
What are common costs associated with a DWI?
Because of your DWI, you had to pay bail and towing and impounding fees. Do the costs stop there? American Addiction Centers explores various costs common to DWI charges. Learn how to prepare your finances and protect your financial health. Individual fines Depending...
Will you go to jail for DUI in North Carolina?
If you face charges of driving while impaired in North Carolina, you could receive jail time for a conviction. The state has defined five levels of DWI that vary based on the aggravating (negative) and mitigating (positive) factors in your case. Review the...
3 reasons a DWI arrest may not lead to a DWI conviction
In North Carolina, even a first-time DWI conviction may result in steep consequences. Depending on the severity of the reported offense, penalties may range from 24 hours to two years in jail, suspension or revocation of driver’s license and fines in the amount of...
How does my BAC affect my ability to drive?
It is difficult at the moment to understand how consuming alcohol affects your body and your brain. Because of the effects of the substance, you cannot realize the changes in your abilities. This misperception can lead you to drink too much before getting behind the...
Driving is not an element of a DWI offense
After a night on the town, you may believe sleeping off your intoxication in your vehicle is a good way to avoid a driving while impaired charge. While it is always better not to drive with a blood alcohol concentration above 0.08%, your belief may not be entirely...
You Can Fail A Field Sobriety Test Even If You Are Not Drunk
Law enforcement agencies across the country, including here in North Carolina, use field sobriety tests (FSTs) as a preliminary testing method after pulling over a suspected drunk driver. These are the tests that you see in movies or on television, which may involve...